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These courses each have 8 lecture segments (above 20-35 minutes), each followed by an optional quiz (with answers provided by scrolling further down). Take the final optional quiz and email a screen-shot of your work on the quiz to Dr. Hubbe ( if you want to get a certificate of completion. The available courses are as follows [SITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION]

Here's a five-minute video description of the course series, emphasizing "Course 1" below

This course is recommended as a starting point for users who want to get started on a general understanding of the field of papermaking chemistry.

1A. Tour of the paper mill

1B. Water:  The key to the process

1C. Paper strength

1D. Fluid resistance & absorbency

1E. Charge measurement & control

1F. Fillers and colorants

1G. Retention and drainage

1H. Production efficiency

Optional quizzes for each of the eight segments in Course 1. Each is a 3-question multiple choice quiz. Answers are provided at the bottom of the WORD document.

Final quiz for course “1” (Complete & send to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Paper Manufacturing Chemistry:

Hubbe, M. A. (2014). A review of ways to adjust papermaking wet-end chemistry: Manipulation of cellulosic colloidal behavior,” Lignocellulose 3(1), 69-107.

Scott, W. E. (1999). Principles of Wet End Chemistry, TAPPI Press, Atlanta. (Get a copy through TAPPI.ORG.)

Smook, G. A. (1999). Handbook for Pulp and Paper Technologists, Second Ed., TAPPI Press, Atlanta. (Get a copy through TAPPI.ORG.)

This course includes topics such as rosin, ASA, AKD, and surface hydrophobic treatments of paper

2A. The water-loving nature of fibers

2B. Rosin soap sizing

2C. Rosin emulsion sizing

2D. ASA sizing

2E. Troubleshooting of ASA sizing

2F. AKD sizing

2G. Hydrophobic surface size additives

2H. Super-hydrophobic systems

Optional quizzes for each of the eight segments in Course 2. Each is a 3-question multiple choice quiz. Answers are provided at the bottom of the WORD document.

Final quiz for course “2” (Complete & send to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Paper Sizing & Resistance to Fluids:

Ehrhardt, S., and Leckey, J. (2020). “Fluid resistance: The sizing of paper,” in: Make Paper Products Stand Out: Strategic Use of Wet End Chemical Additives, TAPPI Press, Atlanta, Chapter 3, pages 53-75. (Get a copy of the book from TAPPI.ORG.)

Hubbe, M. A. (2007). Paper’s resistance to wetting – A review of internal sizing chemicals and their effects,” BioResources 2(1), 106-145. DOI: 10.15376/biores.2.1.106-145

Another possible name for this course would be “Optical properties of paper” The course also discusses how to achieve desired optical properties of paper products.

3A. Tests of paper’s appearance

3B. Ways to increase paper’s brightness

3C. Paper’s opacity and how to change it

3D. Paper’s color & the use of dyes

3E. Process control for paper’s appearance

3F. Two-sidedness & other troubleshooting issues

3G. Fluorescent whitening agents (OBAs) & their use

3H. Cost optimization while achieving appearance targets

Optional quiz set for each of the eight sections of Course 3 (with answers at bottom)

Final quiz for course “3” (Complete & send by email to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of course completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Paper’s Appearance:

Hubbe, M. A., Pawlak, J. J., and Koukoulas, A. A. (2008). Paper’s appearance: A review,” BioResources 3(2), 627-665. DOI: 10.15376/biores.3.2.627-665

This course considers such issues as fiber types, refining, cationic starch for wet-end addition, glyoxylated polyacrylamide, permanent wet-strength agents, and surface-applied strength agents. Click the following links to view each video session (~ 20 to 35 min each):

4A. The Page equation and refining

4B. Hydrogen bonding

4C. Cationic starch

4D. Synthetic dry strength agents

4E. Points of addition

4F. Wet-strength additives

4G. Advanced dry strength systems

4H. Nanocellulose as a strength additive

Optional quizzes for each of the eight segments in Course 4. Each is a 3-question multiple choice quiz. Answers are provided at the bottom of the WORD document.

Final quiz for course “4” (Complete & send to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Paper Strength Additives and their Effective Use:

Hubbe, M. A. (2006). Bonding between cellulosic fibers in the absence and presence of dry-strength agents – A review,”BioResources 1(2), 281-318. DOI: 10.15376/biores.1.2.281-318

Lu, C., Rosencrance, S., Swales, D., Covarrubias, R., and Hubbe, M. A. (2020). “Dry strength: Strategies for stronger paper,” in: Make Paper Products Stand Out. Strategic Use of Wet End Chemical Additives, M. A. Hubbe and S. Rosencrance, S. (eds.) TAPPI Press, Atlanta, GA, Ch. 7, pp. 155-196. (Get a copy of this book from TAPPI.ORG)

This course includes the basics, measurement methods, and practical applications in paper mills for such tests as cationic demand titrations and fiber-pad streaming potential tests (for zeta potential).

5A. The charged nature of fibers & white water

5B. Zeta potential and its measurement

5C. Cationic demand and its measurement

5D. Streaming current endpoints

5E. Case study:  Dissolved & colloidal substances

5F. Optimization of strength & drainage

5G. Process control

5H. Troubleshooting & product development

Optional quizzes for each of the eight segments in Course 5. Each is a 3-question multiple choice quiz. Answers are provided at the bottom of the WORD document.

Final quiz for course “5” (Complete & send to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Charge and Zeta Potential Measurements:

Hubbe, M. A. (2006). Sensing the electrokinetic potential of cellulosic fiber surfaces,” BioResources 1(1), 116-149. DOI: 10.15376/biores.1.1.116-149

Hubbe, M. A. (2008). “Accurate charge-related measurements of samples from the wet end: Testing at low electrical conductivity,” Paper Technol. 49(6), 21-26.

Hubbe, M. A., and Chen, J. (2004). “Charge-related measurements – A reappraisal. Part 1: Streaming current,” Paper Technol. 45(8), 17-23. 

Hubbe, M. A., and Wang, F. (2004). “Charge-related measurements – A reappraisal. Part 2: Fiber-pad streaming potential,” Paper Technol. 45(9), 27-34. 

Hubbe, M. A., Sundberg, A., Mocchiutti, P., Ni, Y., and Pelton, R. (2012). Dissolved and colloidal substances (DCS) and the charge demand of papermaking process waters and suspensions: A review,” BioResources 7(4), 6109-6193. DOI: 10.15376/biores.7.4.6109-6193

Hubbe, M. A., and Waetzig, D. (2018). “Charge monitoring and control,” in: Advances in Papermaking Wet End Chemistry Application Technologies, M. A. Hubbe and S. Rosencrance (eds.), TAPPI Press, Atlanta, Chapter 6, pp. 133-152. (Get this book from TAPPI.ORG)

The speed of water release from paper in the forming section often limits the production rate of a paper machine. Water removal often can be sped up by judicious usage of papermaking additives.

6A. Drainage aids and related additives

6B. Drainage mechanisms

6C. Paper Machine Operations & Dewatering

6D. Micro- and Nanoparticle Systems

6E. Water Retention Value & Enzymes

6F. Troubleshooting Dewatering Issues

6G. Wet pressing Productivity

6H. Dryer Section Issues

Optional quizzes for each of the eight segments in Course 6. Each is a 3-question multiple choice quiz. Answers are provided at the bottom of the WORD document.

Final quiz for course “6” (Complete & send to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Drainage and Water Removal in Papermaking:

Hubbe, M. A. (2005). “Microparticle programs for drainage and retention,” in Rodriguez, J. M. (ed.), Micro and Nanoparticles in Papermaking, TAPPI Press, Atlanta, Chapter 1, 1-36. (Get a copy of this publication from TAPPI.ORG)

Hubbe, M. A., and Dölle, K. (2018). “Drainage strategies and micro- or nanoparticle systems,” in: Advances in Papermaking Wet End Chemistry Application Technologies, M. A. Hubbe and S. Rosencrance (eds.), TAPPI Press, Atlanta, Chapter 8, pp. 185-206. (Get a copy of this publication from TAPPI.ORG)

Hubbe, M. A., and Heitmann, J. A. (2007). Review of factors affecting the release of water from cellulosic fibers during paper manufacture,” BioResources 2(3), 500-533. DOI: 10.15376/biores.2.3.500-533

Hubbe, M. A., Sjöstrand, B., Nilsson, L., Kopponen, A., and McDonald, J. D. (2020). Rate-limiting mechanisms of water removal during the formation, vacuum dewatering, and wet-pressing of paper webs: A review,” BioResources 15(4), 9672-9755.

This minicourse provides an overview of deposits in paper machine systems and their control, as well as related topics such as foam, entrained air, biological slime, pitch, stickies, and scale.

7A. Overview of paper machine deposits

7B. Wood pitch and its control

7C. Stickies and their control

7D. Biocide and enzyme usage

7E. Deposit case study – Inorganic

7F. Deposit case study – Organic

7G. Foam control

7H. Scheduling and conducting boilouts

Optional quizzes for each of the eight segments in Course 7. Each is a 3-question multiple choice quiz. Answers are provided at the bottom of the WORD document.

Final quiz for course “7” (Complete & send to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Paper Machine Efficiency: Deposits, Foam, Slime, etc.:

Hubbe, M. A., Rojas, O. J., and Venditti, R. A. (2006). “Control of tacky deposits on paper machines – A review,” Nordic Pulp Paper Res. J. 21(2), 154-171. DOI: 10.3183/npprj-2006-21-02-p154-171

Sutman, F., and Nelson, M. (2022). “Organic contaminant control: Pitch and stickies,” in: Process Chemicals for Papermaking, TAPPI Press, Atlanta, Ch. 6. (Get a copy of the book from TAPPI. ORG).

Paper machine systems are major users of water. But the good news is that such water can be effectively treated in wastewater treatment facilities, and there are opportunities to reuse the process water multiple times.

8A. Untreated effluent from papermaking

8B. Water quality evaluation & tests

8C. Primary treatment:  Clarification

8D. Secondary treatment:  Activated sludge

8E. Secondary treatment:  Anaerobic options

8F. Biosorption of metals & organics

8G. Reducing fresh water usage

8H. Advanced treatment options

Optional quizzes for each of the eight segments in Course 8. Each is a 3-question multiple choice quiz. Answers are provided at the bottom of the WORD document.

Final quiz for course “8” (Complete & send to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Wastewater Treatment at Papermaking Facilities:

Blanco, M. A., Balea, A., Ojembarrena, B., Hermosilla, D., Gasco, A., and Negro, C. (2022). in: Process Chemicals for Papermaking, TAPPI Press, Atlanta, Ch. 7. (Get a copy of the book from TAPPI. ORG).

Hubbe, M. A., Metts, J. R., Hermosilla, D., Blanco, M. A., Yerushalmi, L., Haghighat, F., Lindholm-Lehto, P., Khodaparast, Z., Kamali, M., and Elliott, A. (2016). Wastewater treatment and reclamation: A review of pulp and paper industry practices and opportunities,” BioResources 11(3), 7953-8091. DOI: 10.15376/biores.11.3.Hubbe

Retention aids are used in the manufacture of almost every grade of paper. Not only do they tend to decrease losses of fine matter to the wastewater, but they also can increase the dewatering rate and extend the time between required downtime for cleaning of the wetted surfaces within the paper machine system.

9A. Retention aids and related additives

9B. Retention aid chemistry

9C. Mechanisms of retention aid action

9D. Make-down and feeding of retention aids

9E. Lab tests for retention aid usage

9F. Micro & nanoparticle retention ‘aid systems

9G. Interfering substances

9H. Control and optimization of retention aids

Optional quizzes for each of the eight segments in Course 9. Each is a 3-question multiple choice quiz. Answers are provided at the bottom of the WORD document.

Final quiz for course “9” (Complete & send to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Retention and Retention Aids:

Hubbe, M. A. (2005). “Microparticle programs for drainage and retention,” in Rodriguez, J. M. (ed.), Micro and Nanoparticles in Papermaking, TAPPI Press, Atlanta, Chapter 1, 1-36. (Get a copy of the book from TAPPI.ORG)

Hubbe, M. A., Nanko, H., and McNeal, M. R. (2009). Retention aid polymer interactions with cellulosic surfaces and suspensions: A Review,” BioResources 4(2), 850-906. DOI: 10.15376/biores.4.2.850-906

Fillers often cost a lot less than cellulosic fibers, so papermakers have strong incentives to gradually increase the filler content (often called “ash level”) of many paper products. Then also can affect paper properties such as opacity, smoothness, and strength (which is usually decreases).

10A. Introduction:  Why fill paper?

10B. Filler types, composition, preparation

10C. Paper properties affected by filler

10D. Paper optical properties and minerals

10E. Feeding and retention of fillers in paper

10F Factors affecting filler distribution in the sheet

10G. High-filler strategies

10H. Minerals at the size press and in coatings

Optional quizzes for each of the eight segments in Course 10. Each is a 3-question multiple choice quiz. Answers are provided at the bottom of the WORD document.

Final quiz for course “10” (Complete & send to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Mineral Fillers:

Hubbe, M. A., and Gill, R. A. (2016). Fillers for papermaking: A review of their properties, usage practices, and their mechanistic role,” BioResources 11(1), 2886-2963. DOI: 10.15376/biores.11.1.2886-2963

Cellulosic material can be readily converted into very small size, i.e. nanocellulose. In that form it has huge bonding ability, but it also holds very strongly onto water and impedes dewatering. There there are both great opportunities and great challenges, which are considered in this course.

11A. Nanocellulose types & preparation

11B. Characterization methods

11C. Wet-end addition of nanocellulose

11D. Rheology of nanocellulose suspensions

11E. Nanocellulose at the size press & in coatings

11F. Barrier layers with nanocellulose

11G. Nanocellulose surface modification

11H. Composites with nanocellulose

Optional quizzes for each of the eight segments in Course 11. Each is a 3-question multiple choice quiz. Answers are provided at the bottom of the WORD document.

Final quiz for course “11” (Complete & send to Dr. Hubbe to earn a certificate of completion.)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Nanocellulose Applications in Papermaking:

Ferrer, A., Pal, L., and Hubbe, M. A. (2016). “Nanocellulose in packaging: Advances in barrier layer technologies,” Industrial Crops and Products 95, 574-582. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.11.012

Hubbe, M. A. (2019). “Nanocellulose, cationic starch and paper strength,” Appita J. 72(2), 82-93.

Rice, M. C., Pal, L., Gonzalez, R., and Hubbe, M. A. (2018). “Wet-end addition of nanofibrillated cellulose pretreated with cationic starch to achieve paper strength with less refining and higher bulk,” TAPPI J. 17(7), 395-403. DOI: 10.32964/TJ17.07.395

Salas, C., Hubbe, M., and Rojas, O. J. (2019). “Nanocellulose applications in papermaking,” in: Production of Materials from Sustainable Biomass Resources, Z. Fang, R. L. Smith, Jr., and X.-F. Tian (eds.), Biofuels and Biorefineries Ser. 9, Springer, New York, Chapter 3, pp. 61-96. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-3768-0_3

This minicourse is about using the size press equipment to apply solutions – usually starch – to the paper surface. Topics considered in the course include the main motivations for using the size press, the equipment, starch basics, operational issues, hold-out of size press solution at the paper surface, hydrophobic copolymers used at the size press, troubleshooting, and paper product development issues.

12 – 1: Introduction: Why use the size press?

12 – 2: Size press Equipment

12 – 3: Starch basics

12 – 4: Operational issues

12 – 5: Hold-out at the size press

12 – 6: Hydrophobic copolymers for the size press

12 – 7: Troubleshooting size press issues

12 – 8: Paper product enhancement at the size press

Optional quizzes (for your own practice) for each of the eight sessions of course 12 (Size Press).

Final quiz for course “12” (Please complete & send to Dr. Hubbe ( to earn a certificate of completion)

Some Suggested Reading Related to Nanocellulose Applications in Papermaking:

Hubbe, M. A. (2024). “Size press practices and formulations affecting paper properties and process efficiency: A Review,” BioResources 19(1), 1925-2002. DOI: 10.15376/biores.19.1.Hubbe

Bildik Dal, A. E., and Hubbe, M. A. (2021). “Hydrophobic copolymers added with starch at the size press of a paper machine: A review of findings and likely mechanisms,” BioResources 16(1), 2138-2180.

Hubbe, M. A. (2007). “Paper’s resistance to wetting – A review of internal sizing chemicals and their effects,” BioResources 2(1), 106-145. DOI: 10.15376/biores.2.1.106-145